We are uploading relevant slides. We have tried our best to make the information free of errors, however some technical or human error may exist. In such case we request you, the learned scholars/readers to send us feedback for appropriate corrections. We hope the slides uploaded here help you a lot.
We mostly like to share academic slides. Most of the slides are exclusively related to Ayurveda, Yoga, and allied practices. We include slides related to other medical sciences too. (We are preparing the slides, and you can help us too). The allocated heading are given as:
Principles of Ayurveda:
General Medicine:
Bal Rog (Pediatrics):
Stri Prasuti (Gyne/Obs):
1 Sahmitas n Principles, 2 anatomy or sharir rachana, 3 physiology kriya sharir, 4 dravya guna n pharmacology, 5 rasashastra n bhaisajya kalpana, 6 swsthvrit or community med n agad or toxicology, 7 kaya chikitsa or internal med a, 8 kaya chikitsa or internal med b, 9 kaumarvritya stir prasuti or ped gynae obs, 10 shalya shalakya surgery ENT etc, 11 audio visual, 12 buzzer round, 13 rapid fire
consider that some of the slides may contain minimum errors
Sites that can be helpful to medical Students:
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