Ayur Info

Ayur Info
Sharing- Health, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, etc..


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This page contains something useful for students, doctors, researchers, anyone interested, and in fact common people.
Glimpse of Ancient Texts Materials
1. Vagbhatt-

Some classical books may be available in https://archive.org/, Some other or recent versions or may be better ones are available in bookstores.
Yoga, Aasan, Pranayam
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha- Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Health Promotion:
live longer live better MAYO CLINIC experts
Davidson's Foundations of Clinical Practice - is a new short and comprehensive book and helpful book to clinical training students. (Others may be suggested by your syllabus or teachers or friends or seniors.)

Surgical Legacy of Sushruta: Click the link : Surgical Legacy of Sushruta Sushruta is called as the father of Surgery. Modern medical scholars regard him 'Father of Plastic Surgery' By: Dr. ANIL PANDE, Neurosurgeon, VHS Hospital, Chennai, India. Source: thamburaj.com/susrutha.ppt
Research Methodology, Research Designing, Proposal Writing:
Proposal Writing for Health and Health Related Research Module 1, Health Department of Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2005.
Designing and conducting health system research, Volume 1, Proposal Development and Field Work, CMV, IP, AB. Kit Publishers, International Development Research Center and WHO regional office for Africa, 2003.
health system research data analysis, Volume 2, Data Analysis and Report Writing, CMV, IP, AM, Kit Publishers, International Development Research Center and WHO regional office for Africa, 2003.
BAMS Syllabus/Curriculum:
This is IOM Entrance syllabus PDF file: Bachelor Entrance An outline of course of study 2068 Source: http://iomentrance.edu.np (Sept 5, 2011)
Clinical Helps:
Over the Counter Drugs in Ayurveda: (for the management of common cases): Click the link Below: Over the Counter Drug in AyurvedaSource: website WHO/SEARO
List of Essential Ayurvedic Drugs for Hospital: Click the link : Essential Drug list of Ayurvedic medicine for HospitalSource: Department of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal
Use of Herbal Remedies in Primary Care: Click the link : herbal remedies in primary careSource: Website of WHO/SEARO
Use of Traditional Medicine in Primary Care: Click the link : use of traditional medicine in primary health careSource: Website of WHO/SEARO
Emergency Drug List of Nepal (2002): Click the link : Emergency drug List NepalSource: Department of Drug Administration. MoHP
Ayurvedic Management of Select Geriatric Disease Conditions:  Click the link : ayurvedic geriatric guidelines Treatment Protocols: Guidelines and Costing of Select Geriatric Disorders, a CCRAS -WHO Country Office, India Colloborative Project. Source: CCRAS/WHO
Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic Medicine: Click the link : Scientific_Basis_for_Ayurvedic_Therapies. Edited by: Laxmi Chandra Mishra
Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment by Medicines Sans Frontiers: Click the link : Clinical Guidelines For Diagnosis and Treatment Source: http://www.refbooks.msf.org/MSF_Docs/En/MSFdocMenu_en.htm
Hospital Care for Children a WHO Guide book: Click the link : hospital care for childrenSource: WHO Publications
Integrated Management Of Pregnancy And Childbirth: Click the link : IMPAC_WHO Managing Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth: A guide for midwives and doctors. Source: WHO/Publications
Surgical Care at District Hospital: Click the link : SCDH Source: WHO/Publications
Primary Care Using Ayurveda (Medicinal Plants): Click the link : primary health care using ayurveda Source: Forest Department, Andhra Pradesh, India
Herbs and Medicinal Substances
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India : Part 1 and 2, Click on the link
Guide to Teachers on BAMS syllabus: Click on the link
  1. Basics of Sanskrit Language Sanskrit
  2. History of Medicine Ithihasa
  3. A Major Classical Ayurvedic Text Ashtanga Sangraha
  4. Human Physiology Kriya Sareeram
  5. Human Anatomy Rachana Sareeram
  6. Basic Scientific Principles and Methods Padartha Vijnanam
  7. Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Agadathanthra
  8. Disease and Pathology Roga Nidanam
  9. Materia Medica and Pharmacology Dravyaguna
  10. Pharmacy and posology Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
  11. Preventive and Social Medicine, Yoga and Naturopathy Swasthavritha
  12. Internal Medicine, psychiatry, cleansing and rejuvenation therapy Kayachikitsa
  13. Genreal Surgery, orthopedics Salyathanthram
  14. Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology  and Dentistry  Salakyathanthram
  15. Pediatrics Koumarabhrithyam
  16. Gynecology and Obstetrics Prasoothi n Stri
  17.  A Major Classical Text Charak Sahmita Purwardha and Uttarrardha: (See Kayachikitsa 17.12)
[Note: the given translation sometimes will not be cent percent exact and may not give all details. In fact, one subject contains related other topics as well, with adjustment to the credit hour and to meet the need of aim of the course. So to be clear you need to go through the syllabus thoroughly.]
Source. A handbook for Teachers on BAMS Syllabus (CCIM)
Instruction: Click on the related topic to open the PDF file, or right click and click 'open link in new tab'. After opening you can save or download into your computer. Browsers like 'Mozilla Firefox' let you download PDF files when open.
Learn. Practice. Try to Live happily. Try to help people live happily and better. Try to make life productive and better. Develop arts and skills. Enhance knowledge. Be yourself, but upgrade yourself. Help others. Learn - coping strategies or managing strategy; problem solving strategy, in a win-win way if possible. Know your limitations. Be human. Accept the realities. (You may know more points of leading life in right direction).
Study. Do duty. Try to make health care system more managed. Make it - effective, affordable, accessible, acceptable, safer, better. 
It is our small effort to help you in that direction.
There are colleges, degrees, places, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, institutions, organizations, journals, experiments, experiences, books, book stores, notes, websites, blogs, .... these all things work. Still you have to work.
Generally we try to share what are relevant to BAMS doctors/students or other  practitioners or students or therapists -  of Naturopathy, Yoga, MBBS, Physiotherapy, Nursing, MD, ND, TCM, Pharmacy, Public Health.... etc. and others.
Use all sorts of knowledge and resources to help people gain better state of health and well-being. 
(We are re-arranging and adding useful materials.)
Ayurveda Practice in Nepal, Click on the link Ayurveda practice in Nepal-pp
Ayurveda Education and Practice in India:
Education and Practice of Ayurveda in India, [Taken from http://ccras.nic.in/ayurveda/Chapter-7%20Education%20and%20Practice.pdf ]
What does a BAMS do what does a BAMS graduate do
Short Description of Instruments:  introduction to few instruments of daily useNote: This was prepared by students. So this can be useful to students. Send your feedback to us if it contains something good, and some errors. This contains many common topics (mostly used in Gynae/Obs), and still some important sub-topics may be missing. Help us to collect useful materials to students.
 Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (Aamvata Chikitsa): Click here on the link below: Rheumatoid arthritis (Aamvata) This is provided by Dr. L. N. Tiwari.
Help us keep information updated. Write to us at: ayurinfo11@gmail.com
What's being added ?:
  • Charak Samhita (Sanskrit texts - search/google - there it is already available in PDF)
  • Entrance questions for Bachelor and Masters
  • University Exam Questions for Bachelors and Masters
  • Basics of Ayurvedic examination of Person/Patient and Disease
  • Important 119 + Medicinal Plants
  • MD - syllabus
  • Law/Acts, Legal documents,
  • First Aid
  • Normal lab values;
  • Pediatric drug dose
  • Imp websites/blogs/facebook pages: related to colleges/universities, Journals, Groups etc.
  • More ......
 Make sure that the contents may sometimes need be out date, so consult for update.


* The treatment procedure or advices are not meant to substitute professional medical care, advices and services. We expect that nobody misuses/misinteprets the contents and creates problem. We advocate ethical and legal use of knowledge and skill.* The authors are responsible for the their writings. If you are interested to know more about the writings please contact the resource e.g. authors or the link etc.
* Some of the useful material placed here are provided by third party, voluntarily. This is meant to help the learners, and thus finally help the society at large. If these stuff are your copyright, and need not appear here inform us so that we can remove them.

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A blog on Ayurveda, Medicinal Plants, Yoga, Naturopathy, Pranayam etc.
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