Vitiation of agni in Amashaya (stomach) region due to various causes Amlapitta. Some of the common causes are - fasting, eating between meals, worry, hurry, spicy foods etc. are some pitta vitiating factors etc. These factors derange the pachaka pitta (digestive enzymes etc.) and as a result pachaka pitta vitiates. Thus developed condition is called Amlapitta.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) when not utilized well, or when produced in large quantity in the stomach region causes inflammation of stomach (gastric = related to stomach), that is called gastritis. This can derange the digestive procedures. The increased or normal level of HCl can destroy the soft tissue (epithelium) lining of oesophagus, stomach,duodenum etc. If not managed on time this can give rise to ulceration (breech in tissue).
Usually the esophageal sphincter muscle contracts thus preventing the stomach acid from shooting up into the esophagus, but if this muscle is not functioning properly, the acid can slip past it and this is when heartburn symptoms start, which is called Gastroesophageal reflux.
• Adhoga Amlapitta (downward)
• Urdhwaga Amlapitta (upward)
• Vata predominant Amlapitt
• Pitta predominant Amlapitta
• Kapha predominant Amlapitta
Symptoms of Adhoga Amlapita:
• Thirst
• Burning sensation
• Fainting
• Giddiness
• Dellusion
• Rashes on skin
• Poor digestion
• Perspiration
Symptoms of Urdhwaga Amlapitta:
• Vomiting of green, yellow, blue, black, slightly red or of bright red color having sour material
• Belching of similar nature
• Burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper abdomen
• Headache
• Burning sensation in the palms and soles
• Loss of appetite
Symptoms of Vata predominant Amlapitta
• Tremors
• Delirium
• Fainting
• Feeling of pins and needles
• Weakness of body parts
• Pain and darkness before eyes
Symptoms of Pitta Predominant Amlapitta
• Feeling of heaviness
• Weakness
• Coldness
• Vomiting
• Coating on tongue
• Burning sensation
• Itching of skin
Symptoms of Kapha predominant Amlapitta
• Fainting
• Loss of apetite
• Headache
• Salivation
• Sweet taste in the mouth
• Eating of spicy and highly seasoned food like chilly, pickles, etc.
• Improper eating habits
• Prolonged ingestion of aspirin or some anti-inflammatory drugs
• Prolonged alcohol ingestion
• Heavy smoking
• Stress is also an important cause for hyperacidity
• Idiopathic etc.
• Nausea, vomiting, and loss of desire to eat which may persist for 1-2 days
• Heartburn or sour belching
• A sense of abdominal distension
• Flatulence
• Vomiting of blood or blood in stools
• If gastritis persists there may be eventual development of anaemia etc.
• Home remedies
• Ayurvedic remedies
• Yoga asanas
Home Remedies
• Abstinence from smoking and alcohol is a must.
• Avoid stress.
• Papaya chewable tablets can be purchase in health stores and they are helpful reducing heartburn.
• Drink a large glass of water at the first sign of heartburn, if the symptoms are not too strong this will help.
• Make a juice using raw potatoes. Wash the potato very well do not peel it, just place it in the juicer, mix it with some other juice for taste and drink immediately after juicing.
• Chew a few Tulsi leaves to get relief of the symptoms.
• Keep a small piece of gur in your mouth and suck it slowly. Repeat it every hour till the symptoms subside.
• Eat Watermelon, Banana or Cucumber every hour.
• Eat a few Almonds when symptoms are present.
• Drink Coconut water 4 – 5 times a day.
• Drink a glass of cold milk for fast relief.
• Keep a small piece of Harad in your mouth and chew it after every meals.
• Take one piece of Clove and suck it slowly.
• Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
Ayurvedic Remedies :
• Take 1 – 2 tablets of Amlapittantak Lauh with honey twice a day.
• Take 1 – 2 teaspoons of Avipattikar Churna ( powder ) with milk or water twice a day.
• Take 1 teaspoon ful of Dadim Avaleha with honey or water twice a day.
• Take 125 – 250 mg of Panchamrit Parpati with honey, curd or butter milk twice a day.
>> Other useful preparations are: Yastimadhu churna, Guduchi churna, Guduchi sattva, Aamalaki churna, Aamalaki tablet, Suta Shekhar Ras, Laghu Sutashekhar Ras, Kamdudha Ras, Shankha Bhasma, Kapardak Bhasma, Mahashankha vati, etc.
Yoga Asanas
• Vajra Asana
• Yoga mudra
• Shitali Pranayama
Amlapita in terms of Modern Medicine
• Gastritis
• Peptic Ulcers
Gastritis is a type of Amlapitta. In this disease, inflammation of the epithelial lining of stomach takes place. Hydrochloric acid and some other digestive enzymes are secreted by the glands of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach thus results in the impairment of these secretions leading to indigestion. It is a very troublesome condition which needs immediate treatment.
• Over eating, fasting, spicy foods
• H. Pylori infection
• Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks
• Stress, hurry, worry
• Food poisoning
• Swallowing of acids and alkalies etc.
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Headache
• Giddiness
• Discomfort in stomach
• Sour eructations
• Frequent vomiting
• If chronic, then Anemia
• Coated tongue
• Foul breath
• Increased flow of saliva
• Scanty urine etc.
Food Plan:
• Fast for two or three days or more, depending on the severity of the condition.
• Drink only warm water during this period. This will give rest to the stomach and allow the toxic condition causing the inflammation to subside.
• After the acute symptoms subside, adopt an all fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits like apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melons.
• Thereafter gradually come to a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruit.
• Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, spices, meat, red pepper, sour foods, pickles, strong tea and coffee. S/He should also avoid sweets, pastries, rich cakes and aerated waters.
• Avoid hot drinks and foods.
• It's better not to take spicy and oily foods.
• Curds and cottage cheese should be used freely.
Life Style:
• Avoid exposure to hard mental or physical work.
• Avoid anxiety, worry and anger.
• Take complete rest.
• A walk in the early morning for about a mile is very useful.
Peptic Ulcer:
Ayurveda considers this as another type of Amlapitta. This disorder is more generally classified as a grahani disorder, which is a disorder in the seat of agni in the stomach. The actual ulceration of the stomach wall which is the classic description of a peptic ulcer is clearly due to an excessive amount of heat or agni or Pitta in the body. The question to ask before treating the increased Pitta is, why the Pitta is excessive. In the West we often relate gastric ulcers with stress and anxiety. This factor is not overlooked in Ayurveda and is properly handled with the eating and lifestyle changes.
• Fasting
• Chronic or long time gastritis
• Eating during indigestion
• Over eating Irregular eating
• Intake of unsuitable food
• Faulty place, time and preparation of food
• Hereditary
• Smoking
• Alcohol consumption
• Certain drugs, long time illness
• Stress etc.
• Epigastric pain: Pain is referred to the epigastrium and is often so sharply localized that the patient can indicate its site with two or three fingers-the ‘pointing sign’.
• Hunger pain: Pain occurs intermittently during the day, often when the stomach is empty, so that the patient identifies it as ‘hunger pain’ and obtains relief by eating.
• Night pain: Pain wakes the patient from sleep and may be relieved by food, a drink of milk, or antacids.
• Water brash: This is a sudden filling of mouth with saliva which is produced as a reflex response to a variety of symptoms from the upper GIT, e.g., peptic ulcer pain
• Burning during, after and between meals
• Gastric reflux, fatigue, increased stress, loose stools or constipation.
Food Plan:
• When condition is acute patient should be given a liquid diet of liquefied cooked vegetables and Khichari.
• Barley water can be taken throughout the day. Boil 1 cup of barley with 3 cups of water and boil down to 2 cups of water and drink as tea 3 times per day.
• Avoid onions, garlic and pungent, salty and sour foods.
• Increase consumption of bitter foods.
Amlapitta though a serious disease can be healed by the simple home remedies, Ayurvedic remedies, yoga asanas, diet plan and by doing some changes in normal lifestyle. So, one should adopt these things in life not only to heal Amlapitta but for every disease.
Vitiation of agni in Amashaya (stomach) region due to various causes Amlapitta. Some of the common causes are - fasting, eating between meals, worry, hurry, spicy foods etc. are some pitta vitiating factors etc. These factors derange the pachaka pitta (digestive enzymes etc.) and as a result pachaka pitta vitiates. Thus developed condition is called Amlapitta.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) when not utilized well, or when produced in large quantity in the stomach region causes inflammation of stomach (gastric = related to stomach), that is called gastritis. This can derange the digestive procedures. The increased or normal level of HCl can destroy the soft tissue (epithelium) lining of oesophagus, stomach,duodenum etc. If not managed on time this can give rise to ulceration (breech in tissue).
Usually the esophageal sphincter muscle contracts thus preventing the stomach acid from shooting up into the esophagus, but if this muscle is not functioning properly, the acid can slip past it and this is when heartburn symptoms start, which is called Gastroesophageal reflux.
• Adhoga Amlapitta (downward)
• Urdhwaga Amlapitta (upward)
• Vata predominant Amlapitt
• Pitta predominant Amlapitta
• Kapha predominant Amlapitta
• Thirst
• Burning sensation
• Fainting
• Giddiness
• Dellusion
• Rashes on skin
• Poor digestion
• Perspiration
Symptoms of Urdhwaga Amlapitta:
• Vomiting of green, yellow, blue, black, slightly red or of bright red color having sour material
• Belching of similar nature
• Burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper abdomen
• Headache
• Burning sensation in the palms and soles
• Loss of appetite
Symptoms of Vata predominant Amlapitta
• Tremors
• Delirium
• Fainting
• Feeling of pins and needles
• Weakness of body parts
• Pain and darkness before eyes
Symptoms of Pitta Predominant Amlapitta
• Feeling of heaviness
• Weakness
• Coldness
• Vomiting
• Coating on tongue
• Burning sensation
• Itching of skin
Symptoms of Kapha predominant Amlapitta
• Fainting
• Loss of apetite
• Headache
• Salivation
• Sweet taste in the mouth
• Eating of spicy and highly seasoned food like chilly, pickles, etc.
• Improper eating habits
• Prolonged ingestion of aspirin or some anti-inflammatory drugs
• Prolonged alcohol ingestion
• Heavy smoking
• Stress is also an important cause for hyperacidity
• Idiopathic etc.
• Nausea, vomiting, and loss of desire to eat which may persist for 1-2 days
• Heartburn or sour belching
• A sense of abdominal distension
• Flatulence
• Vomiting of blood or blood in stools
• If gastritis persists there may be eventual development of anaemia etc.
• Home remedies
• Ayurvedic remedies
• Yoga asanas
Home Remedies
• Abstinence from smoking and alcohol is a must.
• Avoid stress.
• Papaya chewable tablets can be purchase in health stores and they are helpful reducing heartburn.
• Drink a large glass of water at the first sign of heartburn, if the symptoms are not too strong this will help.
• Make a juice using raw potatoes. Wash the potato very well do not peel it, just place it in the juicer, mix it with some other juice for taste and drink immediately after juicing.
• Chew a few Tulsi leaves to get relief of the symptoms.
• Keep a small piece of gur in your mouth and suck it slowly. Repeat it every hour till the symptoms subside.
• Eat Watermelon, Banana or Cucumber every hour.
• Eat a few Almonds when symptoms are present.
• Drink Coconut water 4 – 5 times a day.
• Drink a glass of cold milk for fast relief.
• Keep a small piece of Harad in your mouth and chew it after every meals.
• Take one piece of Clove and suck it slowly.
• Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation.
Ayurvedic Remedies :
• Take 1 – 2 tablets of Amlapittantak Lauh with honey twice a day.
• Take 1 – 2 teaspoons of Avipattikar Churna ( powder ) with milk or water twice a day.
• Take 1 teaspoon ful of Dadim Avaleha with honey or water twice a day.
• Take 125 – 250 mg of Panchamrit Parpati with honey, curd or butter milk twice a day.
>> Other useful preparations are: Yastimadhu churna, Guduchi churna, Guduchi sattva, Aamalaki churna, Aamalaki tablet, Suta Shekhar Ras, Laghu Sutashekhar Ras, Kamdudha Ras, Shankha Bhasma, Kapardak Bhasma, Mahashankha vati, etc.
Yoga Asanas
• Vajra Asana
• Yoga mudra
• Shitali Pranayama
Amlapita in terms of Modern Medicine
• Gastritis
• Peptic Ulcers
Gastritis is a type of Amlapitta. In this disease, inflammation of the epithelial lining of stomach takes place. Hydrochloric acid and some other digestive enzymes are secreted by the glands of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach thus results in the impairment of these secretions leading to indigestion. It is a very troublesome condition which needs immediate treatment.
• Over eating, fasting, spicy foods
• H. Pylori infection
• Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, carbonated drinks
• Stress, hurry, worry
• Food poisoning
• Swallowing of acids and alkalies etc.
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Headache
• Giddiness
• Discomfort in stomach
• Sour eructations
• Frequent vomiting
• If chronic, then Anemia
• Coated tongue
• Foul breath
• Increased flow of saliva
• Scanty urine etc.
Food Plan:
• Fast for two or three days or more, depending on the severity of the condition.
• Drink only warm water during this period. This will give rest to the stomach and allow the toxic condition causing the inflammation to subside.
• After the acute symptoms subside, adopt an all fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits like apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melons.
• Thereafter gradually come to a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruit.
• Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, spices, meat, red pepper, sour foods, pickles, strong tea and coffee. S/He should also avoid sweets, pastries, rich cakes and aerated waters.
• Avoid hot drinks and foods.
• It's better not to take spicy and oily foods.
• Curds and cottage cheese should be used freely.
Life Style:
• Avoid exposure to hard mental or physical work.
• Avoid anxiety, worry and anger.
• Take complete rest.
• A walk in the early morning for about a mile is very useful.
Peptic Ulcer:
Ayurveda considers this as another type of Amlapitta. This disorder is more generally classified as a grahani disorder, which is a disorder in the seat of agni in the stomach. The actual ulceration of the stomach wall which is the classic description of a peptic ulcer is clearly due to an excessive amount of heat or agni or Pitta in the body. The question to ask before treating the increased Pitta is, why the Pitta is excessive. In the West we often relate gastric ulcers with stress and anxiety. This factor is not overlooked in Ayurveda and is properly handled with the eating and lifestyle changes.
• Fasting
• Chronic or long time gastritis
• Eating during indigestion
• Over eating Irregular eating
• Intake of unsuitable food
• Faulty place, time and preparation of food
• Hereditary
• Smoking
• Alcohol consumption
• Certain drugs, long time illness
• Stress etc.
• Epigastric pain: Pain is referred to the epigastrium and is often so sharply localized that the patient can indicate its site with two or three fingers-the ‘pointing sign’.
• Hunger pain: Pain occurs intermittently during the day, often when the stomach is empty, so that the patient identifies it as ‘hunger pain’ and obtains relief by eating.
• Night pain: Pain wakes the patient from sleep and may be relieved by food, a drink of milk, or antacids.
• Water brash: This is a sudden filling of mouth with saliva which is produced as a reflex response to a variety of symptoms from the upper GIT, e.g., peptic ulcer pain
• Burning during, after and between meals
• Gastric reflux, fatigue, increased stress, loose stools or constipation.
Food Plan:
• When condition is acute patient should be given a liquid diet of liquefied cooked vegetables and Khichari.
• Barley water can be taken throughout the day. Boil 1 cup of barley with 3 cups of water and boil down to 2 cups of water and drink as tea 3 times per day.
• Avoid onions, garlic and pungent, salty and sour foods.
• Increase consumption of bitter foods.
Amlapitta though a serious disease can be healed by the simple home remedies, Ayurvedic remedies, yoga asanas, diet plan and by doing some changes in normal lifestyle. So, one should adopt these things in life not only to heal Amlapitta but for every disease.
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