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Thursday, November 17, 2011

12. Jaundice (Kamala) in Ayurveda

Most of the people prefer Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice condition. The therapy has been well accepted by many studies. In Ayurveda it is a problem related to Pitta, one of the three major dynamic factors concerned with human physiology in health and disease.

Kamala ( Jaundice in Ayurveda) 
It is a condition characterized by the yellowish staining of the skin, whites of eyes, mucous membranes and body fluids along with the excessive secretion of bile pigments in urine, faeces, and another body secretion due to various Pre Hepatic, Hepatocellular, and post hepatic causative factors. It may be easily curable (or self limiting on simple diet and rest), or severe cases like that of liver failure. Most of the cases can be treated using simple medication, suitable diet, some sorts of restriction to foods and habits, and rest. So timely consultation with the registered doctor or health worker nearby is very much required. (See the notice below).

Hetu and Lakshan (Causes and Symptoms) 
Causes may be varied. Infected water, infected food, chronic alcohol use, hemolysis or other conditions, and other sorts of problems in liver or associated tissue/organ may be the cause. Jaundice is the condition in which liver becomes inflamed known as hepatitis. In infection or obstructed bile duct due to cirrhosis, gall stone, pancreatic tumor etc., the liver cells fail to neutralize bile pigments (bilirubin, bilverdine ) . Then these pigments reach in the various part of the body through blood circulation and stain them.

The yellow colour first appears in the white of the eyes (sclera) and then spreads to the whole skin. Excess of bile pigment circulating in the blood gives the skin in Yellow colour. The bile does not go into the intestine as it should and so the stools of the jaundice patient lose their typical brownish colour and become clay white, in severe cases are almost whitish. There is loss of appetite and impairment of digestion. The liver is unable to digest fat and there may be sense of fullness at the time. Nausea may also be present in certain cases because of defective digestion. If the liver is inflamed, there is also pain in the region of the organ and it is tender to touch.

Diagnosis done by physician/doctor by:
1. History taking and physical examination by doctor. a. History: symptoms, events of symptoms,occupation, food and water, sanitation, alcohol, drugs, blood transfusion, other problems, family history, medical/surgical history etc. b. Physical Examination: General appearance, conscious level, eye, tongue, abdomen, legs etc. Temperature, Blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, chest etc.
2. Investigation: Ayurvedic doctors can also take support of laboratory or radiological investigation for proper scrutiny of the problem. Depending on the condition, doctor may ask for common lab investigation of blood profile, liver function test etc. If doctor suspects of gall stone or other liver pathology etc., s/he may ask for ultra sonogram of liver and whole abdomen. Depending upon the condition s/he may ask few other examinations.

After diagnosis, doctor will tell you the nature of problem and the nature of treatment: i.e. self limiting on rest and normal diet, or requiring medical or surgical support. If the doctor can not treat in the set up, s/he may refer you to a proper place.

Chikitsa (Treatment for Jaundice) Kamala:
Since liver is the largest gland, main site of metabolism and detoxification, the diet should be easily digestible, and waste materials are better removed from the intestine earlier during jaundiced condition. So Ayurvedic treatment contains those medicine that facilitate removal of waste substances from the gut and kidney, and provide instant energy.

The Treatment of Kamala (Jaundice) must start with purgation. The basic theory is that no burden be placed on the liver and for that, a daily purgative is recommended. Reduction of nitrogenous waste enables one to stay away from probable hepatic coma. A diuretic may also be administered to encourage the flow of urine, which will expel most of the bile from the system.

Probable Medication: (The doctor choses the combination of medication, not all the medicine will be used at a time, but only the required ones. In few condition medication is not required, just rest and few supplement will be sufficient. In some condition medical treatment is said not to work, surgical help may be required.)
  • Daily consumption of Triphala powder (10gm) Soaked in water overnight. (equivalent to Lactulose)
  • Regular intake of Guduchi Juice 10gm twice or thrice a day.
  • Daily intake of neem juice is also useful for jaundice. (If one is hypoglycemic and hypotensive, better not take it.)
  • Mix equal quantity of kutaki and chirayata and take about he 10gm of mixture soaked in water with sugar or mishri. 
  • Take regularly alum powder and sugar twice or thrice a day as a diuretic in jaundice.
  • Regular intake of Avipattikar churna about one- teaspoonful twice a day with hot water. 
  • Arogyavardhani vati 2-2 tablets regularly with hot water twice a day.
  • Rohitakyadi, Punarnava, Phalatrikyadi kwath, Dhatri Lauha… etc. may also be used. 
  • Some other well-accepted herbal medication may also be suggested. 
[Modern/Allopathic doctors may use antibiotics, antiprotozoal, anthelmintic, laxatives e.g. lactulose,  diuretics, IV fluids, Dextrose, Vit B, Vit K etc. or/and other measures e.g. surgery depending on the need.]
Duration of treatment: Depending on the condition 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months, in general.

Pathya ( Diet for the liver disorder )
  • Food should be Non oily and non spicy. 
  • It should be easy to digest. · Wheat , rice, java, green gram, redgram, is use full for jaundice. 
  • Green leaves of raddish are beneficial in the treatment of jaundice, the leaves should be Pounded and there juice expressed out through a piece of thin cloth. 
  • Lemon juice and water, beets tops and beet juice and dandelion or black radish extract are good for rebuilding and cleansing the liver. 
  • Coconut water, buttermilk with cumin seeds are also advisable in jaundice. 
  • Sugar cane Juice, Fruit Juice and dry grapes are also useful. 
  • Complete bed rest is also essential for the patient. 
Apathya (Diet restriction )
  • Avoid food items difficult to digest e.g. meat items. It is because during this condition liver, the largest gland, may have trouble to support proper metabolic activities in the body.
  • One should avoid maize, pearl millet, Bengal gram, black gram. 
  • The vegetables like potato, cauliflowers, brinjal. 
  • Fruits like Papaya, Guava, rose Apple and mango should be avoided. 
  • Curd coffee and tea should be restricted. 
Care: (Proper- Hygiene, Nutrition, Rest, Fluid etc.)
  • Always take Time to time food. 
  • Food should be non – oily and non spicy food.
  • Always have food, which is easy to digest. 
  • Have lots of green vegetables and fruits, be careful to wash them thoroughly.
  • Have plenty of water regularly, water should be clean. So purify by boiling and then take it when it cools to an tolerable temperature. 
  • Have small meals, many times a day, say 3-4 times. 
  • Have water in 2-3 glass quantity, many times, about 8-14 times a day. (According to the capacity). Don’t drink just after meal, rather after 30 minutes. 
Note:- This treatment is defined for very normal and average condition / symptoms, if the person with jaundice won’t get relief in quick time then there are other preparations of Ras/minerals and herbs in Ayurveda science.

  • This is aimed to provide people with information in simple language. 
  • This is not to replace the professional checkup, investigation, and treatment. 
  • Take medication under the supervision of a registered doctor or health worker, to avoid improper medication. 
  • If you want to suggest or ask, write us at: ayurinfo11@gmail.com 

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Anonymous said...

We generally prefer Ayurvedic treatment in case of Jaundice. Most of the people get relieved easily. Some may require some extra care and treatment like surgeries.

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