Ayur Info

Ayur Info
Sharing- Health, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, etc..





Thanks for visit. Thanks for advices. We are trying to modify and rearrange the articles. We are making short and simple articles. We are going to make those desirable changes. We are working. It takes a time. Let's wait  .....



We thank the resource persons including all the authors, contributors, photographers, and third party for their invaluable cooperation. We remain thankful to them.



* The treatment procedure or advices are not meant to substitute professional medical care, advices and services. We expect that nobody misuses/misinteprets the contents and creates problem. We advocate ethical and legal use of knowledge and skill.

* The authors are responsible for the their writings. If you are interested to know more about the writings please contact the resource e.g. authors or the link etc.

* Some of the useful material placed here are provided by third party, voluntarily. This is meant to help the learners, and thus finally help the society at large. If these stuff are your copyright, and need not appear here inform us so that we can remove them.

Thanks for your visit!


Instructions to Guest Writers

* We are proud to have allowed some of the respected persons as our Guest Writers.

* Please do write the things that can help people understand some of the important aspects of health, help people learn some important things regarding health and happiness.

* We will not promote any sort of hatred among civilizations and medical systems, and advertisement oriented to profit making business.

* We can advocate things on the basis of greatness of being human and the human efforts.

* We love to learn, share, and help people live better with better understanding.

* Particularly we like to promote the so called alternative and complimentary systems of medicine and human efforts that can help people get accessible, acceptable, affordable and appropriate medications.

* Please level the articles with more appropriate topic so that readers can find them easily.

* Try to make your article short, simple, and put appropriate picture/s.

* Whenever possible try to mention relevant references.

* The articles based on the evidence and experience may be more interesting to all the readers. And those with critical analysis.

* Please do encourage the readers with your short introduction in the beginning or end of the article.

* You are welcome to make genuine suggestion, provide us light.


Some imp links




Help Us! हामीलाई सहयोग गर्नुस

Talking Ayurveda, Medicine, Yoga,Naturopathy, Hygiene etc.

You are welcome to our blog.This is an attempt to talk, to learn, to share, and to care!

Contact: ayurinfo11@gmail.com

If you think you can help us, if you want to provide us any kind of support. We appreciate your greatness. 
Please contact us. 

Thank you!


Namaste! नमस्ते !

तपाईलाई स्वागत छ । तपाईले हामीलाई गर्न सक्ने सहयोग छ भन्ने लाग्छ भने हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस् ! तपाईको सहयोगको हामी उच्च मुल्यांकन/सम्मान गर्नेछौ । हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस् । धन्यवाद !


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